The France Victimes federation revealed on Friday that only 7% of victims of femicide in 2022 were supported by an association. A figure that she considers insufficient.
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Of the 113 femicides recorded in 2022, only 7% of victims were supported by an association, an insufficient figure for the France Victimes federation which is publishing its new survey on Friday March 8 – International Women’s Rights Day – which franceinfo was able to consult exclusively.
Another figure that emerges from this survey and that the federation deplores is the fact that only 30% of the victims’ relatives were supported by an association, while in 57% of cases, the children were at home at the time of the incident and that one in three children witness the crime.
Insufficient support for children
“Children are not sufficiently supported and protected in their rights”explains Jérôme Moreau, spokesperson for the France Victimes association. “We must facilitate the freedom of speech upstream and move from a culture of aid to a culture of prevention and protection”he adds.
Faced with this observation, the association makes several recommendations and in particular requests a circular from the Ministry of Justice so that prosecutors systematically refer victims’ associations to the slightest suspicion: “From the first violence, we are able to ask the public prosecutor’s office for the issuance of a serious danger telephone. There are approximately 6,000 serious danger telephones today in the territory which prove their effectiveness. It is therefore something which works”concludes Jérôme Moreau.