only 5.6% of the obligations to leave French territory fulfilled in the first half?



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The deputy of the National Rally, Laurent Jacobelli, assured on November 6 that only 5.6% of the obligations to leave French territory were carried out. But this figure is explained by the health context and the limited means of the State.

In the show C Politique on France 5, the deputy of the National Assembly Laurent Jacobelli castigated, on November 6, the low percentage of application of the OQTF, the obligations to leave French territory. “Today, in the first half of the year, the OQTF completion rate was the lowest in an extremely long time, 5.6%This figure actually concerns the first half of 2021. 3,500 OQTFs were executed out of the 62,000 pronounced. This low rate is explained in particular by the travel difficulties linked to the pandemic.

Over the whole of 2021, 16,800 were executed out of 122,000 pronounced, i.e. 13.7%. A figure close to previous years. Several factors explain why these OQTFs are not always applied. First, many of them are challenged, then canceled by the administrative judge. Moreover, the State does not have the human means to search for all those who do not comply with an obligation to leave the territory. Finally, it often happens that the country supposed to welcome refuses to do so. Mauritania, for example, only accepted 11% of its nationals between 2017 and 2021, according to a senatorial report.

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