only 38% of French people regularly follow the campaign, according to a BVA survey

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1:24 p.m. : Here is the “best-of” of the day, a selection of our latest content on franceinfo:

Our journalist Margaux Duguet interviewed several contenders for the deputation invested by the majority. Their bitter observation is that the legislative elections are of little interest to the French.

The report by Luc Lacroix in Mariupol, a city martyred by the conflict now held for several weeks by the Russians and the pro-Russian separatists.

Our article telling you about the “cash” management of Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne.

1:17 p.m. : The legislative does not interest: here is the bitter report made by several candidates invested by the majority. “On the ground, everyone doesn’t care about the legislative elections, there will be a crazy abstention”, alert Sereine Mauborgne, outgoing LREM deputy from Var, who finds herself “to hammer to go vote”. Our journalist Margaux Duguet interviewed several of these contenders for deputy.


11:39 : “This photo, I never retweeted it or liked it. I sent a lot of messages to the people who relayed it, asking them to remove it.”

At franceinfo, police officer Bruno Attal assures that the fake campaign poster includes a “stolen picture” on the site of the France Police union, of which he is deputy national secretary. The candidate in the 14th constituency of the Rhône, which notably includes the town of Vénissieux, also stresses that he has no “not wanting to mix (his) police image with (his) campaign”.

11:33 am : Police officer Bruno Attal, Reconquest candidate for the legislative elections in the Rhône, posed in uniform on a campaign poster, as suggested a visual that has gone viral on social networks ? Contacted by franceinfo, this supporter of Eric Zemmour denies having used this photo on which there are also two tricolor flags, which is strictly prohibited by the Electoral Code.

11:33 am : Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of Snes-FSU, the main union of secondary school teachers, deplores “a dramatic situation” while the National Education fears a lack of teachers at the start of the next school year. According to her, “there will not be, contrary to the ministerial mantra, a teacher in front of each class”, “essentially” because of the salary issue.

10:15 a.m. : ?Michel Sardou threatens to leave the country if JL Mélenchon reaches Matignon: “He is part of the heritage and he loves his country! Mr. Sardou: don’t leave, stay, we love you too much and you love your country too much!” , smiles the leader of LFI

10:15 a.m. : “Don’t go, stay, we love you too much and you love your country too much!”

On franceinfo, Jean-Luc Mélenchon reacted to the declarations of Michel Sardou who says he is ready to leave France, if the leader of La France insoumise (LFI) wins the legislative elections and is appointed Prime Minister. “I don’t know why he wants to leave”reacted the boss of LFI. “There are a lot of French people who love him. He is part of the heritage. He likes it or he doesn’t like it, but that’s how it is. And then himself, he loves his countryhe believes, I remind you all the same: ‘Never call me France again’. I’m going to tell him: don’t do that!”

11:25 a.m. : “The problem with this reform of high school and the baccalaureate is that we realized very quickly that the elements classified as optional, gradually, disappeared, for lack of means.”

On franceinfo, Éric Labastie, secretary general of the Federation of Parents’ Councils, reacted to the announcement by the President of the Republic that mathematics would return to first class at the start of the next school year. According to him, the question will arise of the means to put in place this measure demanded by the FCPE.

10:00 a.m. : Here is the point on the news.

Ten departments in the south-west of France have been placed on orange vigilance for thunderstorms.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon promised that he would apply the Nupes program if he were appointed Prime Minister after a possible victory in the legislative elections. And this, despite the probable disagreements with Emmanuel Macron. Follow our live.

Joe Biden blasted the refusal “inadmissible” of the majority of Republican senators to strengthen gun regulations. He also called for a “ban” on the sale of assault rifles and high-capacity magazines to individuals.

It is the 100th day of war in Ukraine and the Russian army is tightening its grip in the East, its priority objective. Three months after the start of the invasion, Russian forces currently control “around 20%” of Ukrainian territory, nearly 125,000 km2, said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Follow our live.

The Platinum Jubilee festivities of Elizabeth II continue today. Cheered by the crowd on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, the Queen, in fragile health, will not attend, due to“some discomfort”, at religious service. Follow our live.

Place in the men’s semi-finals with the meetings between Rafael Nadal and the German Alexander Zverev from 2:30 p.m. on the Philippe-Chatrier court. Then, it will be the turn of the Norwegian Casper Ruud and the Croatian Marin Cilic to face each other.

09:07 : ? “School of the future” promised by E. Macron: “It’s abominable: it means breaking up the French school system into autonomous and competing establishments (…) That’s not called trusting the field, that’s ‘calls to dismember the National Education “, underlines JL Mélenchon

09:07 : Jean-Luc Mélenchon also criticized the school of the future promised by Emmanuel Macron. “It’s abominable: it means breaking up the French school system into autonomous and competing establishments (…) That’s not called trusting the field, it’s called dismembering National Education”he points out.

09:02 : “The teachers are motivated! The problem is that they are exhausted: let’s stop constantly charging the mule and making teachers responsible and guilty for everything, it doesn’t make sense!”

09:02 : ? “I imagine that with Emmanuel Macron, we will have subjects that will be difficult for him, but the law is the law. And the program will be applied. In the event of a blockage, I will go to the Assembly” , promises Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of La France insoumise

09:03 : But Jean-Luc Mélenchon continues by assuring that he imagines that with Emmanuel Macron, there will be subjects “which will be difficult for him”. “But the law is the law (…) but the program [de la Nupes] will be applied (…) If there is a blockage between the President of the Republic and me as Prime Minister of Nupes, I will go to the Assembly” to pass a law, he added.

08:58 : Jean-Luc Mélenchon returned to the fiasco of the Stade de France and recalled that he did not trust the prefect of police Didier Lallement. In the event of arrival at Matignon after the victory of Nupes in the legislative elections, he declared that he would speak about it with Emmanuel Macron. But according to him, “it’s not a subject worth creating an institutional crisis”.

08:50 : ? “If we do not accept the idea that in an election we can elect someone other than a man from the president, then we must not have an election: we must name people”, indicates Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of La France insoumise

08:50 : “If we do not accept the idea that in an election we can elect someone other than a man of the president, then we must not have an election: we must name people.”

08:45 : Guest of franceinfo, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of La France insoumise, attacks the program of the presidential majority for the legislative elections. “It’s a clafoutis of hollow phrases like ‘teachers must be better considered’ and very harsh measures like forced labor for the RSA and retirement at 65”he believes.

08:50 : According to Jordan Bardella, the president of the National Rally, his party is the only dynamic party. “The Republic on the move falls, the Nupes falls”, he says, based on the latest Elabe poll. According to him, the RN “is able to take the lead on the first lap [des législatives] and to prevent Emmanuel Macron from applying his policy”.

07:56 : Former Elisabeth Borne employees talk about management cash of a prime minister “demanding”. They have worked with the head of government in a ministerial office or in a company and paint the portrait of a woman absorbed in her task and who expects the same from her subordinates.

Former collaborators of Elisabeth Borne recount the working methods of the new head of government.  (ELLEN LOZON / FRANCEINFO)


11:25 a.m. : Finally, The liberated Dauphine and The Latest News from Alsace address the shortage of teachers.

09:07 : We open with the traditional update on current events.

• Joe Biden blasted the refusal “inadmissible” of the majority of Republican senators to strengthen gun regulations. He also called for “to forbid” the sale of assault rifles and high-capacity magazines to individuals.

• It is the 100th day of war in Ukraine and the Russian army is tightening its grip in the East, its priority objective. Three months after the start of the invasion, Russian forces currently control “around 20%” of Ukrainian territory, nearly 125,000 km2, said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

• Emmanuel Macron has announced that he wants to generalize to the whole territory “the school of the future”an educational experiment carried out in Marseille, as well as the return of maths in “option” in first class, outlining the roadmap of the new Minister of Education Pap Ndiyae for the start of the school year. The Head of State also announced the return of mathematics “optional”, “not required“, in first class from the next school year.

• The Platinum Jubilee festivities of Elizabeth II continue today. Cheered by the crowd on the balcony of Buckingham, the Queen, in fragile health, will not attend, due to“a certain discomfort”, religious service.

• The 936,000 candidates who expressed their wishes on the Parcoursup access to higher education platform learned of the first expected responses at 7 p.m. They only have six days to respond. Franceinfo answers five questions about this decisive phase for candidates.

• Place for the men’s semi-finals with the meetings between Rafael Nadal and the German Alexander Zverev from 2:30 p.m. on the Philippe-Chatrier court. Then, it will be the turn of the Norwegian Casper Ruud and the Croatian Marin Cilic to face each other.

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