Online platform | The Senegalese will be able to get involved in the reform of their justice

(Dakar) The Senegalese authorities launched an online platform on Thursday intended to collect contributions from citizens as part of the “conferences” of the judicial system which aim to reform and modernize justice, a priority project of the new president Bassirou Diomaye Faye.

This initiative is one of the first online consultation tools set up by the Senegalese state to give voice directly to citizens.

The “assembly” of justice must be held from May 28 to June 4 during the fourth edition of the national dialogue initiated by former President Macky Sall. They will bring together professionals in the field, university professors, and citizens who will be able to participate via this online platform called “Jubbanti”, an Ouolof term which means “to straighten out” in French.

“This approach is part of our common commitment to justice that is more transparent, efficient and accessible to all,” declared President Faye in a message published on the presidency website.

“It appears as a space of expression where each Senegalese can share their experiences, concerns and suggestions,” he added.

The platform is accessible in French and Ouolof. It is also open to foreigners residing in Senegal.

“I invite you to use this platform with sincerity and in a constructive spirit. Your contributions are essential to building a judicial system worthy of our national ambition, based on fairness, transparency and accountability,” Mr. Faye also said.

The various proposals from the foundations of the judicial system will be known on June 4 and “will be subject to arbitration by the political authority,” declared Alassane Ndiaye, technical advisor to the Ministry of Justice, during the press conference of launch.

The Senegalese president elected at the end of March had promised in his first speech to the Nation on April 3 to “restore the image of justice”, after denouncing its exploitation by the Macky Sall regime.

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