ongoing searches at headquarters and in several regional directorates

The private Ehpad group is the target of an investigation into suspicions of institutional abuse and financial crimes, opened following the publication of the book “Les Fossoyeurs” by journalist Victor Castanet.

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About fifteen searches took place on Wednesday June 8 at the headquarters of Orpea in Puteaux in the Hauts-de-Seine and in several of its fifteen regional directorates, franceinfo learned from the Nanterre prosecutor’s office.

To carry out these operations, more than 200 investigators from the gendarmerie, from the Research Section of Versailles, the Central Office for the fight against damage to the environment and public health (OCLAESP), the Central Office combating illegal work (OCLTI) and the Command of the Gendarmerie in cyberspace (ComCyberGend) were mobilized, relying on local judicial police units (Research Brigades) and gendarmes specialized in new technologies. The private Ehpad group is under investigation on suspicion of institutional abuse and financial crimes.

An investigation opened in April

This investigation, joined to other investigations for “forgery and use of forgery” and “breach of labor legislation by abusively resorting to fixed-term contracts”, was opened in April by the Nanterre prosecutor’s office after a report of the government following the publication of the book The Gravediggers by journalist Victor Castanet. Orpea is accused of serious shortcomings in the management of its establishments.

The private nursing home group is also indirectly concerned by another investigation for “insider trading” which targets more particularly its former general manager Yves Le Masne, who was interviewed freely on Tuesday. He is suspected of having sold his shares for nearly 600,000 euros after being informed of the publication of Victor Castanet’s book.

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