ongoing discussions between La France Insoumise and the Socialist Party


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The Socialist Party has an appointment, Wednesday, April 27, with La France Insoumise. Journalist Béatrice Gelot, in duplex from the headquarters of the Insoumis, takes stock at midday.

“More than two hours of discussions now between La France Insoumise and the Socialist Party. Already it was an event that this meeting took place, after the attacks of the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo against Jean-Luc Mélenchon during the presidential campaign”notes the journalist Béatrice Gelot, in duplex from the headquarters of the Insoumis, Wednesday, April 27 at midday.

The discussions between the two parties relate exclusively to the program. What could they agree on? The points of divergence are indeed numerous. “On Europe, on pensions or even the Sixth Republic, so many red lines that La France Insoumise does not want to cross”, underlines the journalist. What further divide the Socialist Party, already on the verge of implosion. On the evening of Tuesday April 26, the First Secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, “told those who were against this meeting that they could leave the party”specifies Béatrice Gelot.

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