one year after the attempted coup by supporters of Jair Bolsonaro, the political climate remains tense

While President Lula is organizing a ceremony to commemorate “unshakeable democracy” in Brazil, in the country society remains very divided between his supporters and those of Jair Bolsonaro.


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Brazilian President Lula da Silva in Brasilia on January 9, 2023. Illustrative photo (MAURO PIMENTEL / AFP)

A year ago, a horde of supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro ransacked Three Powers Square in Brasilia, the country’s capital. A year after the failure of this coup attempt, Lula organized a large ceremony to commemorate a “unshakable democracy“But while municipal elections are planned for 2024, the political climate remains tense.

Nearly 500 guests are expected at this celebration: various politicians, military personnel and members of civil society. Between speeches and symbolic moments, everything is organized to celebrate a democracy that had a narrow escape. And Lula wants to bring people together. “Just after the acts of vandalism, Lula embodied democracyexplains political analyst Thomas Traumann. The president now hopes to recover this institutional stature in order to present himself as the president of all Brazilians, and not just the 51% who voted for him. It won’t be easy.”

Polarization beyond the political world

Because polarization remains strong in the country. For example, most of the invited opposition governors will not come to the event.

“Polarization in Brazil will not only continue, it will get worse.”

Thomas Traumann, political scientist

at franceinfo

“Previously, this polarization ended with the end of the elections, today it has spread beyond the political world, continues the political scientist. This is found in schools, at work or in the way we consume. This polarization is therefore much more dangerous.”

Despite a strong response from the authorities, threats against democracy persist, in particular because the organizers and instigators of this attempted coup d’état have for the moment escaped any condemnation.

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