Damien Guerot, who repelled the perpetrator of the attack using a pole, is from Laval, France Bleu Mayenne reported on Tuesday.
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One of the two French people who intervened during a knife attack, which left six people dead on Saturday April 13 in a Sydney shopping center, is from Laval, reveals France Bleu Mayenne. Damien Guerot, a carpenter who has lived in Australia for six years, repelled the author of the knife attack on Saturday using a pole in an escalator.
Images of the attack went around the world. Five women and a Pakistani security guard were killed. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced that Damien Guerot will be offered Australian citizenship. Silas Despreaux and Damien Guerot “behaved like true heroes. Very great pride and recognition”for his part greeted Emmanuel Macron on X. Contacted by France Bleu Mayenne, Damien Guerot’s father, Loïc Guerot, said he was very moved: “I had a lot of trouble sleeping, it’s impressive, I can’t find the words, I’m extremely proud.”