“One of the most beautiful settings in France”

If it still has in “through the throat these months of December and January” who saw Toulouse be deprived of a group stage worthy of the name, Ugo Mola says he is lucky to be able to be there with Stade Toulousain. The European Cup is back and the atmosphere promises to be good this Saturday at the Stadium.

Ten years later

Although Stade Toulousain has become accustomed to playing a few domestic matches in the lair of the TFC, we have to go back to October 2012 to find traces of a European match for the Rouge et Noir. It was against Leicester. The players and the staff love coming to the Ile du Ramier and Ugo Mola reminded us of this again on the eve of the match: “This stadium is always synonymous with pivotal moments. We like to come here even if it’s not our home. They kindly lend us this lair. We want to play there and often there is a positive energy. Playing a match final phase in front of our supporters, it’s great for everyone and I hope the outcome will be positive. This stadium is magnificent, it is one of the most beautiful settings in France. The last emotions I experienced as a player or coach elsewhere than here was at the Parc des Princes. That’s telling you if it’s old.”

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