one of the men who accompanied him in his vehicle was not authorized to be on French territory!

The Pierre Palmade affair continues to make headlines. Friday February 10, 2023, the comedian caused a serious road accident on the D372 in Villiers-en-Bière in the south of Seine-et-Marne. His car collided with another oncoming vehicle. The star had taken the wheel under the influence of cocaine. In addition to Pierre Palmade, three other people were also seriously injured.

And that’s not all. Witnesses assured the authorities that two passengers accompanying Pierre Palmade had fled after the collision. Wednesday, February 15, 2023, the Melun prosecutor confirmed the custody of the actor after the search of his home located in Cély-en-Bière. According to AFP And European 1a 33-year-old Moroccan suspected of being one of the fugitives was arrested in Clichy in the Hauts-de-Seine, according to information from police sources.

The man unknown to the police services – would not have wished to denounce himself immediately. But his lawyer says otherwise. The latter would be in an irregular situation on French territory. In parallel with his arrest, a woman who lodged him was also arrested at his home. Thus, the investigation continues its course. At the latest, two of the three victims struck from the terrible incident are still believed to be “in intensive care”.

“The state of health of the victims is catastrophic. We have a passenger who was in the front who lost her baby and who has extremely serious physical and psychological consequences”lamented at the microphone of RTL Master Mourad Battikh who represents them. And to specify: “And we still have the driver and the rear passenger, the little boy, who are still in intensive care.”

“His body is completely shredded…”

Despite the recent press release from Pierre Palmade who expressed his “shame” and with its immense sadness, the relatives of the victims demand justice. It’s time for concern for the latter: “The little one is intubated, he feeds by way of a tube. His jaw is completely destroyed. As for the father, the driver, he has multiple fractures, his body is completely shredded, in any case his bones are broken, he underwent between five and seven operations”.

For the time being, the survey has been requalified for “homicide and manslaughter”. As such, Pierre Palmade risks a five-year prison sentence and a fine of 75,000 euros. However, if the aggravating circumstances are held against him, the actor faces up to 10 years in prison and 150,000 fine. To be continued…

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