Nearly forty years after the boy’s murder, new scientific expertise has made it possible to identify the author of an anonymous letter sent at the time to the child’s grandparents.
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Nearly forty years later, one of the mysteries of the Grégory affair has finally been resolved. One of the “crows” who wrote an anonymous letter to the child’s grandparents has been identified, reports the Dijon general prosecutor’s office, Wednesday October 11. “I will make you (sic) your skin again”threatened this courier, written nine months after the death of the little boy in the Vosges.
DNA research made it possible to identify the author: she was a woman who lived in Paris at the time. When heard, she confirmed having written the letter but she denied any participation in the assassination of Grégory Villemin, whose murder remains unsolved. The public prosecutor in Dijon concluded that it was a “wrong path”. Put another way, “this is not the crime claim letterFrançois Saint-Pierre, one of the lawyers for Grégory’s parents, told AFP. But that of an idle person with no connection to the case.”
The case, heard at the Dijon Court of Appeal, focused over the years on a “crow” who wrote numerous anonymous letters threatening the Villemins. In 2017, graphology experts attributed a letter from 1983 to Jacqueline Jacob, Grégory’s great-aunt. She and her husband Marcel had been indicted but this procedure was canceled in May 2018 for procedural defects. The spouses have always denied being involved in the affair.