one of the biggest stars of the famous series found lifeless in her hotel room …

Fans of The Party at the House are inconsolable. Bob Saget, known for his role as Danny Tanner in the famous American series, has died at the age of 65.

His body was found lifeless in his bedroom while staying at the Ritz-Carlton in Orlando, Florida.

The announcement was made by the media TMZ which writes that he was in good shape, a few hours earlier, on stage in Jacksonville, as part of his tour for his show.

“ATno signs of homicide or drug use“was not found at the hotel. An investigation is opened to determine the causes of this sudden death.

His great friend, John Stamos, immediately reacted when he heard the terrible news. “JI am broken. I am destroyed. I am completely in shock. I would never have another friend like him again. I love you so much BobbyHe tweeted. He was the one giving her the line in The House Party and it was with him that he had created a solid relationship.

As our colleagues from BFMTV, Bob Saget was also the voice over of the narrator in the series “How I met your mother” and “has appeared numerous times, playing his own role, in” Entourage “, from 2005 to 2010”.

See also: Gad Elmaleh: the very sad news he has just shared on his social networks …


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