one of her daughters gives herself up like never before!

For Jane Birkin, family is sacred! In the media, his three daughters have often been honored. As she has confided several times, the star has never managed to mourn Kate, her eldest who disappeared in 2013 and the fruit of her past love affair with John Barry. In addition to the photographer, the interpreter of “Di Doo Dah” also had Charlotte with Serge Gainsbourg, before expanding his clan with the arrival of Lou, born of his former relationship Jacques Doillon.

Like her other sisters, the daughter of the famous director is a jack of all trades. Actress, singer or model to name a few, Lou Doillon has several strings to her bow. This Monday, June 5, 2023, his admirers were able to discover his new confidences in the podcast Bliss Stories as revealed by “Télé-Loisirs”. Without a filter, the main interested party has lifted the veil on countless parts of her life. His childhood memories, his projects or even his relationship with his emblematic mother.

see also:

“His lovers fell in love with the skewer…”

Not a little proud of the latter, Lou Doillon was full of praise for her. “My mother, Jane Birkin, was one of the first women to fully embrace being a mother in the 1970s. […] I was taken on tours, I lived backstage when she was in the theater”, revealed the ex-girlfriend of Thomas-John Mitchell.

In her own way, Jane Birkin also inspired her enormously: “She always put her children in her professional life, she never hid that she had them and, on top of that, she had the freedom to have three children with three different types which was pretty crazy at the time. era”. Obviously, the love life of the icon – constantly dissected in the tabloids – has never caused him the slightest concern. “My sisters loved the different parents we had, it was all on display,” added Lou Doillon. “I even think that after a while his lovers fell in love with the skewer, with our brothel”. It is said !


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