one more year of internship is not enough for the Mayenne deputy Guillaume Garot

The government proposes to extend the residency of general medicine students by one year to send them to work in the medical deserts. Go from three to four years of internship i.e. a total of 10 years of study. The Ministers of Health and Higher Education want to include this measure in the social security financing bill which will be presented to the Council of Ministers on Monday.

Accommodation available to them

Thus, during this fourth year, the students will practice outside the hospital under the guidance of an internship supervisor. The idea is to push them to realize this 4th year of internship in areas without doctors. The government intends to make their lives easier by offering them accommodation on site to encourage them to stay in these areas at the end of their course. A first step recognizes the socialist deputy of Mayenne Guillaume Garot, who however expects real regulatory measures.

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The Mayenne deputy is not the only one to criticize this government measure. A union of students in general medicine, the National Autonomous Intersyndicale Representative of General Medicine Interns (ISNAR-IMG), is already denouncing the measure, which it considers unfair. He explains that students do not want to be requisitioned to remedy the shortage doctors, under the pretext of being trained.

Read also: A queue of more than 120 people to register with a new attending physician in Évron

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