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If the government has not declared a curfew for the evening of December 31, the French are still preparing for a half-hearted New Year’s Eve. Program changes, reduction or absence of guests … What have they planned?
In 2021, it could be that some pass their turn for New Year’s Eve. “I don’t want to take any chances. Although vaccinated, we catch it, so there’s no need to be sick again“, entrusts a passerby. Many will favor small committee meetings for the occasion. Among the businesses affected by this drop in power, there are some joke shops and catches, whose turnover is less than 30% compared to a normal year.
Restaurant owners are also facing a lack of orders for New Year’s Eve. Following this situation, some were put on forced leave. “The fridges are empty. usually all the scales are full, and ready to go to the village hall or to private homes“, deplores a restaurateur. The discos, closed since the beginning of December, will have to wait until after January 27 to reopen their doors.