one month after Zoé Clauzure’s victory, justice gets involved

On November 26, 2023, Zoé Clauzure “brought home the cup”. In fact, the young girl, ex-candidate of The Voice Kids, won Junior Eurovision which was held in Nice. If it is a great victory for the country and the host city, Nice, Christian Estrosi and his partner Laura Tenoudji must however face justice. Indeed, the mayor of Nice and his wife are the subject of a report from a territorial official as revealed Médiapart

this Tuesday, December 26.

As a reminder, Laura Tenoudji, also a columnist in Telematin, co-hosted the opening ceremony of Junior Eurovision 2023, a week before the competition started. The ceremony was held at the Negresco Hotel. According to Mediapart, the municipality of Nice largely financed the organization of the Junior Eurovision contest. 605,000 euros would in fact have been covered by the city via indirect aid. This decision would have been the municipal council which voted last November, as our colleagues indicate once again.

Also see: Christian Estrosi and Laura Tenoudji victims of an attempted burglary in full confinement!

Laura Tenoudji and Christian Estrosi defend themselves

In the said report, we therefore learn that he “It cannot therefore be disputed that Madame Tenoudji was remunerated by France 2 for her service as presenter of Junior Eurovision financed partially by the community chaired by her husband”. As for Christian Estrosi’s wife, she claims not to have been paid in addition to her monthly salary as a columnist.

She goes even further and defends herself by stating: “Instead of providing my columns for Télématin, I was relocated for Junior Eurovision. The question of conflict of interest therefore does not arise” according to her. Concerning Christian Estrosi and the mayor of Nice, the latter believe that “the regulatory framework was perfectly respected”.


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