one in four French people find it difficult to pay their electricity bill


France 2

Article written by

T.Paga, J. Weyl, G. Sabin, P. Lacotte – France 2

France Televisions

The increase in the price of energy continues to pose problems for families as the cold weather approaches. 60% of French people are forced to reduce the temperature of their heating in their homes.

For two years, the increase in gas has been 16%, and could reach 20% for electricity. “I was paying 96 euros per month, and since August EDF has taken 186 euros per month from me”; “We don’t really have any other solution than to do with it”, can we hear from the inhabitants of the village of Mordelle (Ille-et-Vilaine).

Thereby, 60% of French people sacrifice their comfort by reducing their heating. “I try to be thrifty, I’m less than 19 [degrés] in my house. And I assure you that I am not hot ”, indignant a resident of the village. Some French people intend to postpone as late as possible the moment when the radiator will have to be turned on. One in four French people (including many young people) says he has trouble paying his bills. This unprecedented level of precariousness is also due to the health crisis, and to the drop in income that it has engendered among some workers.

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