one in five ChatGPT users fear for their jobs

Will ChatGPT replace us at work? A study conducted on users of artificial intelligence software in six countries answers this question.

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Two months ago, OpenAI launched ChatGPT, a chatbot, a conversational robot, capable of answering all kinds of questions and writing texts. ChatGPT has already made its way into the workplace, and Sortlist, a marketing company, came up with the idea of ​​surveying the bot’s early adopters, as well as their employers. The result: worry.

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21% of chatbot users are afraid that the software will take their place. This fear is even stronger in certain sectors such as software and technology. Nearly a quarter of employees fear that ChatGPT will write lines of code for them. Moreover, a quarter of the employers surveyed in this sector are also considering reducing their workforce since the introduction of artificial intelligence. In finance and in education too, there are fears of the consequences on employment of the use of the chatbot.

ChatGPT more useful for customers than a fear for employment

It is in marketing that the risks are highest. ChatGPT could be used for writing texts, soliciting new customers or responding to them. Employees and employers agree, according to this study, to consider that the robot has a future in the field of marketing. It is in this area that we find the greatest number of employers ready to reduce their workforce. In general, these threats to employment stem from productivity gains that intelligence would allow. Employers predict a productivity increase of 74% on average.

Younger people seem to have a different approach to this tool. IThey are more worried than others about possible job cuts in their sector of activity. A difference of 43 points. And this is even more true in the software and technology sector, where young people fear the consequences of the arrival of ChatGPT. For young people, the software will mainly be used to answer customer questions and to reach potential customers more than to write lines of code.

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