The greatest shortage is in mathematics, but there are also unfilled positions in French, science and languages.
Reading time: 1 min

According to the final results of the competitions to become a teacher, published on Tuesday July 2 and consulted by franceinfo, there is a shortage of teachers in several disciplines and particularly in mathematics.
In mathematics, the results show that there are still 209 vacancies in the external Capes, out of just over a thousand open throughout France. Another discipline that is not finding enough takers: literature, both classical and modern, with 111 places remaining vacant.
Shortages that are becoming apparent as the level groups in middle school will be set up next year. They will require additional teachers in mathematics and French. The National Education system will therefore have to call on contract workers, less well-trained staff, who do not pass the competitive examination, hired after a quick interview, for a year or more.
It should be noted that languages are also not attracting enough candidates: German, English and Spanish are also lacking in laureates (138 vacancies). Physics and chemistry are also not finding enough takers (142 vacancies).
In total, 635 middle and high school teachers are missing from the external CAPES. This is one in eight positions that is currently vacant.