One house for sale, two hearts to take

Sometimes our “Owner’s Tour” section results in a handshake between a buyer and a seller. In the story that follows, it ends instead with an intertwining of fingers. Let us tell you about the charming meeting between Diane and Lino, provoked by one of our articles.

Posted at 12:00 p.m.

Sylvain Sarrazin

Sylvain Sarrazin
The Press

avid reader of The Press, Diane Audet likes to browse the properties presented there every Saturday. In August 2020, a report from the “Owner’s Tour”, a chronicle in which remarkable houses on the market are depicted, particularly caught his attention. Entitled “A swaying heart on the edge of the lake”, it presents the magnificent residence of Lino Bramucci, erected under his orchestration at L’Île-Bizard.

Beyond the panoramic bay windows and the gardens maintained with great care, Diane is especially touched by the story of Lino, whose wife died of cancer two years earlier, and who, tossed between mourning and doubts, put his property for sale. “This article was the spark plug. I was very moved by his story and why he was selling his house. I always find it unfair, when people experience such happiness, that it comes to an end, ”recalls the one who has walked on more bumpy paths of life in matters of the heart.

The article ended with this exclamation from Lino: “We’ll see! He couldn’t have said it better, because he didn’t see it coming next. After reading the report, Diane learns a little about the character, without daring to contact him. But a few weeks later, what is her surprise to see him appear on a dating site to which she had registered. Help of fate, Lino had indeed established a profile there, under the insistence of his children who wanted to see him turn the page.

Emerging complicity


The couple meet regularly under the roof of Lino… which is no longer for sale.

A first contact is established, followed by an appointment.

These dating sites are bombarding us with faces. But when I saw this one, those blue eyes… I liked the refinement of this woman, her way of saying things, with kindness, while knowing what she wants.

Lino Bramucci

Diane is careful not to reveal that she has consulted the article, preferring first to observe and make sure that the man corresponds to the one described therein. “The first meeting was a very good evening … but it was not love at first sight”, admits the duo, whose contacts are complicated by the context of COVID-19.

They discover certainly contrasting personalities (she’s reserved, he’s expressive), but above all they have hooked atoms: fine gastronomy, physical activity, the fine arts, good taste, the aspiration to travel. She loves his humor, he loves her aura. Both are also familiar with the challenges posed by positions of responsibility. A bond sets in. “The more it went, the more I felt this compatibility between us,” says Lino.


The couple wanted to check if they had the same travel philosophy. The answer to this question is in these smiles, captured in Paris.

Since love gives wings, they fly away together for Paris and Berlin, just to seal this beautiful departure. What they suspected becomes clear as a cloudless sky: their way of traveling coincides, they pass the test of the first trip, a classic of a budding couple, hands down… and hand in hand. Already, they are eyeing Italy as their next destination.

A dancing duo

Since then, the red door of the Île-Bizard residence, sporting more than ever the color of passion, has been opened every weekend to Diane. In the evening, in front of the panoramic bay window overlooking Lac des Deux Montagnes, lovers share sips of wine, refined dinners and languorous choreographic steps. “Lino was ‘one heart swaying on the edge of the lake’, now we are ‘two hearts dancing on the edge of the lake'”, rejoices Diane. Both in excellent shape, they also like to walk for a long time, while discussing architecture according to the buildings on their way.


The famous residence of L’Île-Bizard, seen in summer.

Moreover, the famous residence of Lino, the starting point of the story, acts as the center of gravity of their union. Diane, who had already unearthed her little paradise in the Eastern Townships, quickly realized that the walls were one with Lino, and vice versa. “The house, his land, it’s part of him, he doesn’t go a day without taking a picture. »

In presenting the property to us, Lino insisted on the ballet of the stars around its roof, between the shimmering sun on the terraces and the moon plunging into the lake. A similar tango began around the household; putting this time, face to face, a solar, expansive, flamboyant Lino and a Selene Diana, a quiet force with subdued elegance. Something to contradict Charles Trenet: the meeting between the sun and the moon has indeed taken place.

Shaken by mourning when putting his house up for sale, Lino has found a beautiful serenity. “My wife’s death was hard. We were very much in love and she will always be in my mind. I have only good memories and no regrets. But the future is the future. Diane is another endearing person who picks me up in the right places. It’s all part of the logical sequence, ”he says.

This same logic that made him withdraw his home from the market, a move that even received the blessing of the broker! And too bad for those who coveted this rare pearl. Lino and Diane have found theirs, on another ground; and this is priceless.

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