one debate, two candidates and… two different objectives

The long-awaited explanation. The two finalists for the 2022 presidential election, Marine Le Pen against Emmanuel Macron, face each other on Wednesday evening during the famous debate between the two rounds, as in 2017. If this is still an important moment in an electoral campaign , this is perhaps even more the case this year: many voters remain undecided, asking themselves the question of the blank vote, of abstention.

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From 9 p.m. this Wednesday, each candidate will have their own challenge: to overcome the trauma of the 2017 debate for Marine Le Pen, to manage the superiority complex for Emmanuel Macron.

The candidate RN will thus try above all not to reproduce the errors of this debate which remains significant. Even if, legend or truth, Marine Le Pen never saw the failed face-to-face of 2017, but simply a few excerpts during a broadcast. “It wouldn’t have helped him.“, assures an adviser. Especially, explains regularly the candidate, that she does not have the habit of reviewing her television interventions. Except that this one marked her with a hot iron: “She humiliated her voters“, scolded an ex-RN in recent months. So, as if to atone, Marine Le Pen spread in interviews repeating “I take responsibility“, “it was a missed date“…As a way to pave the way to rehabilitation.

She’s been thinking about it for 5 years“said one of her advisers, a five-year term to transform herself, smooth her image, abandon the outbursts of voices, she who had been aggressive, ironic. What will she do differently this time? “All” she replied to franceinfo in recent days, with the hope, whatever the outcome of the second round, not to chain two failures in front of the whole of France.

>> Presidential 2022: set, production, themes … What you need to know about the debate between the two rounds between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron

On the side of Emmanuel Macron, for the moment at the head of the voting intentions, a framework of the campaign of the president-candidate summarizes the meeting very frankly: “Emmanuel Macron must not appear as the villain in front of the nice lady who loves cats and purchasing power“. Warning from another ally: “The French love victims“.”We must therefore try to unmask it, but without crushing it, and above all without lecturing it, it’s far too tricky“, judges a support.

Marine Le Pen will look for the outgoing president on his balance sheet. And there, there is danger, analyzes a government source: “He already tends to dwell on it too much. He systematically wastes time that he should be using to explain his program.” “You must not allow yourself to be cornered, nor try to score at all costs, it is the best way to take a counter“, worries a pillar of the majority. Who fears that taking a goal this Wednesday evening will be very complicated to manage in the 48 hours that will remain. Objective, therefore, for Emmanuel Macron: aim for a draw.

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