one dead, one seriously injured, 3 slightly injured and 22 people relocated after a fire on Monday evening

The fire broke out on Monday evening near the Nice-Pont-Michel station. An investigation has been opened.

Article written by

France News – with France Bleu Azur

French Radio



Reading time : 1 min.

22 people have been relocated.  Illustrative photo.  (GUILLAUME PINON / HANS LUCAS)

A dead man, one seriously injured, 3 slightly injured, this is the toll after a fire Monday evening, Saint-Roch district in Nice, in the Alpes-Maritimes, learned France Bleu Azur. The fire is extinguished this Tuesday morning. Firefighters and police ensure that it will not resume by evacuating the rubble. 22 people were relocated overnight.

The fire broke out Monday evening around 9 p.m., on the 5th floor of an apartment located at 16 avenue Denis Semeria, very close to the Nice-Pont-Michel station. It’s unclear how long firefighters struggled with the fire, but it was extinguished as of Tuesday morning.

A firefighter injured during the intervention

The victims of this fire are a 67-year-old man who died, and his mother, 92, who was seriously injured according to the police. She was burned on the back and transported in “serious” condition to the hospital in Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes), indicates the Departmental Directorate of Public Security (DDSP) which is in charge of the investigation.
The emergency services also counted three minor injuries: a 15-year-old man, a 90-year-old woman, and a firefighter was injured during his intervention. Because of this fire, 22 people from Nice were relocated overnight. Three were covered by their own means, the 19 others were taken care of by the town hall of Nice.

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