one dead and injured in an Israeli army raid in the Palestinian camp of Jenin

The Israeli army operation follows the attack which killed three people and injured a dozen on Thursday evening in Tel Aviv (Israel).

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Heavy reprisals. A Palestinian was killed and “at least five” people were injured in exchanges of fire during an Israeli army operation in the Palestinian camp of Jenin, where the author of the deadly attack on Thursday in Tel Aviv which left three dead is from and a dozen injured, announced the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Saturday, April 9.

“Armed assailants fire on armed forces and border police conducting a counter-terrorism operation in Jenin refugee camp… In response, troops fire in the direction of the attackers”said the Israeli army, which did not report any injuries in its ranks.

As a reminder, the Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, on Friday gave carte blanche to the security forces to “conquer” a new wave of “terror” in Israel, after the murderous attack on Thursday evening. “Anyone who helped (the assailant), indirectly or directly, will pay the price”warned the Prime Minister, also ordering the closure of the Jalameh crossing point linking the Jenin region to Israel, in order to reduce the “possibility of movement to and from” of this sector.

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