Video length: 2 min.
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The 20 Hours of Sunday March 12 returns in images on the last 24 hours of news in France with in particular a fire in the Alpes-Maritimes, and floods in Gironde.
The forest is swept away by smoke. In Briançonnet, in the Alpes-Maritimes, a fire destroyed around thirty hectares of vegetation. In an area that is difficult to access, 140 firefighters are mobilized, helped by Canadairs. “These are fires that grow faster than the ones we used to have“, says Commander Jean-Christophe Demarte, firefighter. In the Dordogne, the water surprised the inhabitants. The river in the town of Montignac swelled four meters.
White March in Niort
In Cahors (Lot), the rain contaminated the drinking water network. A bacterium forces the town hall to distribute bottles of water to each inhabitant. Hundreds of homes are affected. In Deux-Sèvres, in Niort, it’s time for meditation. On the afternoon of Sunday March 12, a white march took place in remembrance of Leslie and Kevin, murdered three and a half months ago. 300 people were gathered around the family of the young man.