“One day, I said stop”: Thomas Dutronc and Jacques Dutronc came close to breaking up…

Their fans dreamed of it, they did it! Since April, Jacques Dutronc and his son Thomas Dutronc have been traveling the roads of France as part of their exceptional tour Dutronc & Dutronc, also expected in Belgium and Switzerland. New concerts, during which they perform their greatest titles, placed under the sign of sharing, complicity and emotion as the duo announces on its official website.

The first dates are a success, despite the absence of Françoise Hardy, whose illness prevents her from attending this beautiful show freely. In the pages of Free lunchThomas Dutronc explained behind the scenes of this event: “We chose the songs together. (…) I am proud to be on stage with my father. And I believe so is he. We really enjoy being together.“However, it was not won a few months ago.

Working as a family has its pros and cons. The latter, Thomas Dutronc has experienced them: “At first it was not easy. There was a lot of tension. My dad was super worried. He went back behind me and changed things without telling me, it was unbearable“, he explains. The tone rose, especially when he learned that his father took pleasure in talking about him behind his back: “He said things to my mother (Françoise Hardy, editor’s note) who repeated them to me and sometimes distorted them. It was hell !

At the end of his patience, Thomas Dutronc came out of his hinges: “One day, I said stop! Things now, we say them face-to-face, without anyone. And since then it’s been working great!“The Dutroncs are a family like all the others after all, except for one detail. Disputes never last very long: “We are a family where sometimes we can say harsh words to each other but we never go to sleep angry! We love each other deeply no matter what and no matter what our differences.

The most beautiful declaration of love to his dad.

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