One bulletin, 91 names and reactions!

On September 6, I worked as an information officer during the advance poll held in LaSalle-Émard-Verdun. I have just carefully reread the solemn declaration of the election officials. No, I do not seem to be in any way deviating from the document in question by speaking about the famous ballot paper with… 91 names! How many comments have been heard on this subject from the people who came to take part in this democratic exercise! Despite a few touches of humor, the reactions were essentially negative. Finding your candidate on this ballot paper that looked like Santa’s list was not easy. Many people deplored the waste of time it caused for everyone.

Having been through several elections, I know full well that for voters who are older or struggling with literacy issues, marking this unusual ballot must have been an incredible challenge. And what about those who are slowly starting to put down roots in Canada and are discovering our electoral system?

As people left the polling station, however, a few voices rang out to remind people that the extravagant ballot was the result of a protest movement. On the other hand, question marks were flying about the effectiveness of this pressure tactic by the Longest Ballot Committee.

Right now, is reforming the electoral system a priority for the federal Liberals? That’s because, on September 16, if the Liberal Party of Canada loses in this riding tattooed with a scarlet maple leaf, Justin Trudeau, who already has his head on the chopping block, will also have a few knives stuck in his back…

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