August 24 should be a day of celebration for Ukrainians. 31 years ago to the day this Wednesday, Ukraine won its independence from the USSR. This year, the symbolic date marks the six months since the start of the Russian offensive.
“Russia might strive to do something particularly disgusting, particularly cruel” alerted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a few days ago. “No point in the territory is safe from strikes or military operations” warns the Quai d’Orsay this Tuesday evening.
In this deleterious climate, Alla Somorodoska, review dancer at the Royal Palace in Kirrwiller, who has been living in France for 11 years, is particularly worried. August 24 also marks the birthday of his 24-year-old little brother, remained to fight the Russian invasion. “He is at the front. We are lucky to have some news from him. Not every day, but once or twice a week. Unfortunately, he cannot tell us much. fight. Mentally, it’s difficult”.
Stick together
We do not see the end of the war. We can’t see the light
To keep her spirits up, in the company of her mother and stepfather who had come to join her at the start of the offensive, Alla turned to solidarity and the close ties that united the Ukrainian community in Alsace. “We try to keep in touch with Ukrainian families hosted by French people. We meet to talk, have small parties. We talk about memories and our concerns. It’s often difficult for them because they don’t know what to do. afterwards. They don’t speak the language, don’t know how to find work.” Despite the mutual aid, morale remains low. “We do not see the end of the war. We do not see the light”she admits.
To cheer up the hearts of compatriots exiled in France, the Strasbourg association PromoUkraïna is organizing a demonstration on the Place de la Cathédrale this Wednesday, August 24 at 5:30 p.m. It will be followed by a concert at 7 p.m., Jardin d’Appolonia, in the Robertsau district at 7 p.m.
– PromoUkraina