ON VIDEO – Folle Journée: a piano concert in the Nantes tramway

On the occasion of La Folle Journée, two pianists played for three hours on line 1 of the Nantes tramway on Wednesday.

It was a somewhat crazy bet, for the Folle Journée de Nantes: a concert of piano four hands in the tramway! On the occasion of the classical music festival, dedicated this year to Schubert, a duo of pianists played all afternoon on line 1 of the tram, Wednesday, January 26. A first for David Salmon and Manuel Vieillard, of the Geister Duo.

When the tram brakes the piano shifts under your fingers, so it’s not very practical sometimes! – David Salmon, pianist

“It’s funny, it’s a little weird at first because the tram moves a lot, but hey, it makes us laugh above all because we’re together. We have fun with that together”, smiles David Salmon.

There is no wider public than that of public transport – Manuel Vieillard, pianist

Beyond the unusual side, the approach makes it possible toattract a large audience. “It’s important to arouse this curiosity in people who don’t necessarily have the opportunity to go to concerts or the desire, or the idea etc.”, emphasizes Manuel Vieillard.

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