Video length: 2 min
Dating apps: on Tinder, they communicate words of love… in patois
Dating apps: on Tinder, they communicate words of love… in patois
(France 2)
The dating application Tinder has implemented a new feature: it is now possible to exchange words of love in patois, using regional languages.
A few words of love… whispered in a regional language. Dating app Tinder now includes seven regional languages to make dating easier. Among these: Norman, Lorraine, Creole… Flowery expressions that hit the mark. Who charms. Even if we don’t always understand them. But that a famous dating application, Tinder, has decided to include in its selection criteria. A rather unusual idea, considering what young people from Strasbourg think of it.
“It’s not necessarily an asset, really… it’s not necessarily stylish to be Alsatian”tempers a young woman. “Alsatian is not widely known for being a flirtatious language, a sexy language… but why not?” analyzes another young woman. “It’s very beneficial because it allows for a common point”, consider a young man. On Tinder, half of the members are between 18 and 15 years old and no longer hesitate to indicate their local origins on profiles. Seven new languages, to combine region and passion, to swipe in search of authenticity… and why not, to match.