on the Web, his new clip does not pass!

Since the success of “Annissa”, the title which revealed it in 2021, Wejdene has had hits and controversies. As at the moment, with the release of the clip “Calle”, her new single in duet with Beendo Z. What do we blame the singer for? To copy Rihanna. Riri’s fans are outraged on Twitter. “She copied Rihanna’s Man Down or I’m dreaming lol”, “Wejdene is actually the Wish version of Rihanna”, “Rihanna just have to watch out…”, can we read on the Web. Clearly, this new clip is not playing.

In addition to accusing him of plagiarism, the twittos accuse him of appropriating an Afro-Caribbean image. “But wejdene since she wants to do the West Indian mdrrrr have to calm down”, “already she thinks she’s black, then she makes a clip à la man down by rihanna and in addition the lyrics and the voice are too many the D”, “But I don’t understand?? Why is she playing on an image of an Afro-Caribbean woman that she is not??”wrote some in reaction to his video.

Among the slanderous comments towards the 18-year-old singer, there are also attacks on her physique and in particular her arch. The artist had already spoken about it on his social networks last July. “This morning, I wake up and I see that you haven’t finished criticizing me, talking about my physique, my music, and everything that makes me the person I am. the gym for 7 years so yes I am arched, I do not do it on purpose and yes I have scoliosis which does not help things. Are you doctors to deduce that it is not that? My skin color, maybe you want me to show you my family tree? Since we have to show you everything”, she had written on Instagram after receiving a ton of messages accusing her of “arching” at all costs on her photos. Like what, it was unfortunately not enough to silence the gossips…

Antoine FM

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