The musicians of the French Brass Project, from Metz, are flying to Asia. Seven performances in nine days await them in the most prestigious theaters in South Korea.
Reading time: 2 min

It’s the story of nine musicians who live a fairy tale. Their group, the French Brass Project, a mini brass orchestra from Lorraine, flew to Seoul in South Korea, 9,000 kilometers from France. Everyone is preparing to experience an extraordinary adventure: seven concerts in nine days in the land of calm mornings. On the program: crazy covers, rearranged for the occasion.

The story is worthy of a film. The musicians of the French Brass Project, originally from Metz, are flying to Asia, seven performances in the most prestigious venues in South Korea.
Before the big departure, for these members of the national orchestra of Metz Grand-Est, it was necessary to train, to tune the trumpets, trombones and tubas as best they could, but above all to try to realize a little of the incredible story that they are living. It all started in a bar at the end of an evening during their 2022 tour. The section performs variety standards after the day’s concert, to the delight of a certain Korean producer, present in the room. They fell in love immediately, he offered to produce them! “When he said he wanted to see us again and take us to Korea, we said to ourselves that he had been drinking and that he was venturing into dangerous territory. But it was true! And we are very happy about it Today !”, says Flira Izorche, the drummer of the French Brass Band.
For his part, said producer seems very proud of this bet, he is certain of it, a winner: “I am a recognized professional in the entertainment world. I have already organized tours of French groups. I have two to my credit. Certainly, on a national level, they do not yet have world renown, but I I am convinced of their great quality! They have the potential to make themselves known and regarding this group from Metz, I know that there is talent!” proudly asserts the producer.
For the group, he saw the big picture. Seven concerts in nine days in Korean venues with 800 to 1,500 seats. The land of calm mornings is going to experience some beautiful, hectic evenings… If you want to attend the concert, the only solution is to take a plane ticket to South Korea… no date planned in France at the moment!