on the verge of tears, Juliette Binoche confides in her homeless situation

After her role in “The Good Wife” in 2020, Juliette Binoche is back with a new feature film called “Ouistreham” from director Emmanuel Carrère. In this film which will be released in theaters on January 12, the 57-year-old actress plays the role of an infiltrated writer in a group of housekeepers in Caen, in order to understand what the precariousness of this profession looks like.

To ensure the promotion of this new film, the actress several times rewarded connects the televised appearances and was thus on the set of the emotion “C to you” this Thursday January 6, 2022. In front of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, the actress did not fail to evoke her past as a homeless woman and this period during which she passed from one small job to another to survive: “It is difficult to forget these moments” she declared.

Juliette Binoche on the streets in the 1990s
The actress then told a sad anecdote dating from 1991, just before she turns in the film “Les amants du Pont Neuf” which will mark a big turning point in her career. At that time, Juliette Binoche lived on the streets: “When you’re in the bottom of the hole, you don’t see the solutions. It’s a vicious circle: no housing, no work … It’s a spinning wheel that becomes nightmarish” Says the actress in an archive video broadcast on set.

“I went to Nanterre, where we picked up tramps for treatment. […] So I slept there, which was already an ordeal, but very interesting … And coming back to Paris, we took a bus that let us go to take the metro. And there, a man in his forties said to me: ‘I have a 500-franc note, if you want, we can share’“, then commented Juliette Binoche live on the show, tears in her eyes. “This is the time to cry.” added presenter Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, very moved by the revelations of her host.

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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