On the vaccination of children between 5 and 12, “the decision will not be taken before January”, announces Gabriel Attal

What there is to know

As France crosses the fifth wave of the Covid-19 epidemic and the number of cases is on the rise again, government spokesman Gabriel Attal explains that the authorization of the vaccination of children between 5 and 12 years old has not yet been decided. He specifies observing the first results of countries, such as Israel, who have already applied this measure. Follow our direct.

“If we refuse a third dose, we lose a large part of our immunity.” The doctor Lila Bouadamala, specialist in resuscitation, estimated on France 2 that the goal is “to change the curves [de l’épidémie] in particular by administering a third dose of vaccine against Covid-19 to people already vaccinated.

More than 20,000 new contaminations. Nearly 20,294 new cases of Covid-19 have been detected in the past 24 hours in France, according to the latest data released by Public Health France on Wednesday. A week ago, 11,883 new cases of Covid-19 had been identified. There are 7,663 people hospitalized for a coronavirus infection, including 1,300 in intensive care. As of Wednesday, November 10, 6,906 people were hospitalized, including 1,154 in intensive care.

German hospitals under pressure. Due to a lack of available places in its intensive care unit, the staff of the Bavarian hospital in Freising had to make an unprecedented decision since the start of the pandemic in Germany: to transfer a patient with Covid-19 to an establishment in the north of France. ‘Italy. In the 18 months of the pandemic, German hospitals have been regularly called upon to take care of patients from overwhelmed European countries.

“The decision will not be taken before January”

“If we refuse a third dose, we lose a large part of our immunity”, according to doctor Lila Bouadama

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