On the sidelines of pension reform, companies fear the backlash on “value sharing”

The employers would like to “toper”, as they say: conclude an agreement with the unions on the sharing of value. With this gesture of openness, he wants to convince the trade unions to put in place measures to encourage the beneficiary companies to better redistribute the results of growth in addition to the already existing profit-sharing and profit-sharing systems, in particular for the less than 50 employees.

>> True from false. Pensions: can the review of the reform by parliamentarians last more than 50 days?

If the employers are ready to let go of a little ballast, it is because they want to avoid a compulsory system at all costs, and also to avoid the government imposing an employee dividend on them, a still vague promise from Emmanuel Macron. . But one thing is certain: the employers, but also certain unions, would like to show the government and the public that they are capable of finding a compromise between them without the politicians getting involved.

The purchasing power

In any case, the employers are rather discreet, in a tense social context. He remains in the background, for fear that the government will put him too much to work with, for example, by introducing sanctions on the employment of seniors, to support the index he wants to put in place in the pension reform. . If the debate hardens in the Assembly, he also fears that the question of a participation of companies, in one form or another – such as a slight increase in contributions, as suggested by the MoDem, or an exceptional tax on profits – does not return to the mat.

It must be said that at the moment, the companies of the CAC 40 are revealing their results for 2022 and these are often record profits which are counted in billions of euros. What fuel the requests for increase. Moreover, the bosses say it themselves: of course, the French are interested in the reform of pensions, but it is indeed purchasing power that worries them the most, hence the tensions and conflicts in the businesses.

Moreover, according to the latest figures published on Thursday 9 February, Directorate for the coordination of research, studies and statistics (Dares), which depends on the Ministry of Labour, the base salary increased last year by 3.8% on average in the private sector for inflation at more than 6%, a difference of one to two.

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