On the set of TPMP, Delphine Wespiser reveals this desire which she deprives herself of!

In Do not touch My TV, this Thursday, March 10, Cyril Hanouna and his team watched a sequence that made the buzz. That “of an activist (who) wishes that we no longer sexualize the breasts and (who) would like to be able to walk topless in the street”.

If the majority voted against, except Gilles Verdez. “Why hide nursing breasts?”he wondered. “I think it would be a good development. Let’s walk naked in the street and everything will be better”, said the columnist in particular. Except that the host did not look very hot at the idea of ​​​​seeing him in Eve and Adam’s outfit. Delphine Wespiser agreed with her colleague. “In the Middle Ages, for example, it was the ankles or the knees, or the calves that were sexualized. Me, I’ve been saying all the time for years: why don’t we girls has no right to be shirtless”she first explained before giving an example of frustration. “When I work in my garden, Roger goes shirtless and I want to go shirtless too, because in the end it’s just a bust”explained the former Miss France who does not deprive herself of this pleasure when she is at the beach or even abroad. “The principle of the bare chest to work, to walk, I agree with that”she added. “I’ve been talking about it very often to my friends for years. But today socially, it’s not possible. But it’s a bust”she concluded.

See also: Vladimir Putin hit by cancer? Live on TPMP, an ex-comrade of the Russian president makes appalling secrets about his state of health!


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