on the Sentier des Roches, dogs prohibited and hikers urged to be careful

It is a very popular route in summer for hikers: the Rocks trail. One of the most beautiful walks in the Vosges which connects the Col de la Schlucht to Frankenthal, near Hohneck. A natural and protected area since 1995. The route was created in 1912 by members of the Vosges club.

He is frequented each year by 60,000 people, according to the mountain gendarmes of Hohrod, with peaks during the summer season.

No dogs allowed, signs on the ground

However, this grandiose landscape can prove to be dangerous. The gendarmes recall the instructions for good conduct: above all, you must not not venture there with a dog.

“The dog can have reactions that can be unpredictable. You can find all kinds of dogs on the way: those who obey and those who don’t. This can be very dangerous and can lead to accidents. On the rocks , they can have their mouths at the level of the children’s heads” warns Major Philippe Viré, mountain gendarmes of the PGHM of Hohrod.

A popular trail for hikers © Radio France
Guillaume Chhum

Yet signs have been installed at the entrance to the Schlucht pass, but some defy the ban. It is an offense that can cost 68 euros. This Monday, during the patrol, Major Philippe Viré found the panel on the ground…the prohibition does not please everyone.

Be careful on this narrow path, about thirty interventions per year by the gendarmes

Before committing, it is also recommended to take good shoes rather than flip flops. It is recommended to be very careful on these narrow paths. the do it slowly, to avoid accidents and falls. In October 2021, a Dutch hiker had died on this trail.

The gendarmes intervene about thirty times a year on this path of the Rocks, for help to anyone. Throughout the summer, they carry out prevention patrols with agents from the Ballons des Vosges Regional Natural Park, to make hikers aware of the correct behavior to adopt. They can also verbalize, if there are overflows or excesses.

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