on the Polish border, camps house Ukrainian refugees



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In the Polish city of Przemysl, tents have been set up to allow Ukrainians to rest after their tedious journey. They find food, clothing and toys for the children there.

In Przemysl, Poland, it looks a little more like a refugee camp every day. No longer enough space in the accommodation centers in the centers of the region, it is in tents that some families come to warm up and get some sleep. This exhausted family arrived a few hours ago: “A lot of innocent people are suffering. I feel like in mourning”. About every ten minutes, a bus takes about fifty Ukrainians who arrived on foot at the border, 10 km away. Here they find coffee, a hot meal, clothes and even toys for the children.

“The humanitarian logistics here are constantly growing. All these bags of clothing are donations from residents of the region. Behind, dozens of volunteers who sort all this humanitarian aid, these diapers, these hygiene products and bags of food. For now, the situation is not chaotic. Most Ukrainians only stay here for a few hours, a few days at most, before being moved to other accommodation options throughout the country. Poland”explains Laurent Desbonnets, special correspondent for Przemysl.

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