on the Parfaitpourcejob platform, companies contact candidates

It’s a brand new tool for finding a job and its principle is very original. On Parfaitpourcejob, candidates present themselves and let themselves be canvassed by companies that have identified their qualities. No doubt, the labor shortage is there.

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For once, on the job site Parfaitpourcejob.com, it is not the candidates who will click on the offers that interest them but the opposite. It is the employers who will click on the candidates who attract them. A reverse job site, which has just been launched. The two founders of the site, Camille Bertheau and Miguel Munoz spotted, in this period when the shortage of laborœwork prevents companies from recruiting as much as they would like, so they have understood that many candidates do not think of applying for jobs they do not know. However, many companies have open positions for poorly known professions, when they are not themselves unknown to candidates, because they are too small or too discreet. The idea of ​​this platform is that for once, it is the companies that take note of the profiles of the candidates and say to themselves: this one or that one has the qualities to do the job, it would be enough that I train him a little and he would make a very good employee.

We registered and had to answer a very simple questionnaire. We were asked how far from home we were willing to work, if we liked working alone, in a team, or both, if we were willing to train for a month or a year and to choose some of our preferences: if we liked taking care of people, working with our hands, selling stuff and even… solving puzzles. We had to say whether the most important thing for us was freedom, trade, values ​​or money. And finally, the less easy, that we describe ourselves in 200 words.

As more and more often, there is no CV. Parfaitpourlejob is aimed above all at profiles without a diploma, but also at those “who do not know in which box to put themselves”as the founder says on the magazine’s website CapitateI. In any case, the site is based on a growing idea: there are skills that can easily be transferred from one profession to another and it is absolutely necessary to decompartmentalize the labor market.

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