“On the line”. Peru: the wall of infamy


Video length: 70 mins.

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In Lima, a wall separates the wealthy neighborhoods from a huge slum. On one side, elites barricaded in paradisiacal villas, on the other, poor workers in hovels. Djamel Mazi and Christophe Kenck conducted the investigation into the origin of these inequalities. A document to see on July 6 on France 2.

On the heights of Lima, a wall separates the wealthy neighborhoods from one of the largest slums in the country. In some places, it is almost 3 meters high, bristling with barbed wire. On one side, heavenly villas with swimming pools guarded by an armed militia patrolling 24 hours a day, on the other, sheet metal and cob hovels, hot in summer and freezing in winter. On one side, the wealthy elites of the Peruvian capital, on the other, poor workers struggling to make ends meet.

Symbol of the fractures of Peruvian society

The wall ‒ “the wall of shame” as it is called ‒ is a real internal border, the symbol of the fractures that run through Peruvian society between the “haves” and the “have-nots”, between Lima and the Andes, between the townspeople and peasants, between “whites” and “Indians”.

At a time when Peru is experiencing a serious political crisis with major social movements that have paralyzed the country, while clashes between demonstrators and the police have already claimed many victims, the team of “Sur la line” investigated the origin of these unbearable inequalities.

A report by Djamel Mazi and Christophe Kenck broadcast on July 6, 2023 at 11:15 p.m. on France 2.

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