Reading time: 2 min

Three police officers are on trial at the Assize Court of Seine-Saint-Denis, seven years after the violent arrest of Théo Luhaka, a young black man who suffered irreversible after-effects.
“I’m really very compassionate.” Standing at the bar, Marc-Antoine C. turns to his left when he pronounces this sentence. He is speaking to Théo Luhaka, seriously injured in the rectum during his arrest in 2017 in Aulnay-sous-Bois, sitting on the civil parties’ bench, with his back arched, in a blue down jacket. Perpetrator of the blow with his telescopic baton, this 34-year-old police officer is referred to the Seine-Saint-Denis assizes, from Tuesday January 9, for “intentional violence leading to mutilation or permanent disability”. “Of course, the injury is distressing. I am aware of that”recognizes the official. “This is a serious injury, and if I may, Madam President, I would like to renew… my deep compassion.”he adds, searching for words.
“I intervened to free my colleague during a very difficult arrest. The individual was rebelling, we never managed to control him. I used a blow taught in school, which caused these injuries “, develops the main defendant, thin face and receding hair, wearing glasses and wearing a black jacket. The policeman considers that “this move is legitimate”. “I really wanted to defend my colleague. We were in an extremely rare situation. He was not getting back up”he insists.
A “very serious” injury
Faced with these declarations, Théo Luhaka lowers his eyes, his hands clasped. Very anxious, the young black man, who celebrates his 29th birthday today and has suffered irreversible after-effects, made no statement to the media at the opening of the trial. At his side, his brothers, sisters and parents, also a civil party, came to support him. Behind him is the president of SOS Racisme, Dominique Sopo. At the opposite end of the crowded courtroom, many plainclothes police officers are on hand to support their colleagues. Two representatives of the Unité SGP Police union, Linda Kebab and Jean-Christophe Couvy, made the trip.
As for the three police officers on trial, they are seated side by side, on chairs arranged in front of the bar. They appear free. In addition to Marc-Antoine C., Jérémie D., 43 years old, and Tony H., 31 years old, are dismissed for intentional violence with aggravating circumstances. Invited to state their identities and profession, all respond “police officer”. Because after being suspended, they were reinstated, including the main accused, within the Ministry of the Interior. If Jérémie D. does not wish to make introductory remarks, Tony H. declares in his own way: “I just wanted to understand the injury which was extremely serious for Mr. Luhaka, and that the trial today will do the trick.” The verdict is expected on January 19.