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On the eve of the great debate between the two rounds, Marine Le Pen takes a break. Goal ? Prepare for the face-to-face with Emmanuel Macron.
Marine Le Pen took shelter from view in order to prepare the debate which will oppose him to Emmanuel Macron, Wednesday April 20, a few days before the second round of the 2022 presidential election. But his activists continue to do countryside, everywhere in France. On a market in Seine-et-Marne, Tuesday April 19 in the morning, the distribution of leaflets is in full swing.
The activists hope that their candidate refines her arguments and that she regains her strength. “It takes energy to do everything she did anyway”, notes a man. Is Marine Le Pen ready to face Emmanuel Macron after the failure of 2017? No doubt, say his supporters. Convince the French, continue to meet them too, a few hours before the debate, a campaign trip could be organized.