On the Emerald Coast, controls at sea have an effect on infractions

Boaters are used to seeing these gray boats with agents on board to come and check their papers and equipment. Every summer, nearly 300 rescue operations are carried out on the coast of Brittany. For Hervé, this is the fourth time they have been checked in 3 years. “More than by car, I should play the lottery”, jokes this retiree. And even if he is used to it, Hervé always learns things: “For example, I didn’t know that you had to have as many fire extinguishers as there were points likely to catch fire”. “If there are two engines and a stove, you need 3 different extinguishers”, explains Etienne, the controller.

Gradually, we see that the message is getting through. There are fewer infractions, Arnaud le Mentec, sea and coast delegate.

Remember the rules

These checks are mainly aimed at reminding sailors of the safety rules, such as checking the expiry dates of equipment, having life jackets that fit.

The authorities remind users of the means to use in the event of difficulty in the water: VHF 16which makes it possible to geolocate the boat and the emergency number, 196.

Life jackets in the trunk… of the car

For some time now, the sub-prefect has noticed a increase in accidents in the appendixthese small boats that the owners use to join their boat at anchor, moored offshore. “The SNSM intervened twice last year to save people who capsized on board their dinghy. As soon as you set foot in the water, you have to put on your life jacket, which is why I recommend to leave it in the trunk of his car, and not in that of his boat”advises Philippe Brugnot, the sub-prefect.

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