on the coast, we are preparing for the rising waters



France 3

Article written by

S. Feydel, M. Anglade, E. Tenot – France 3

France Televisions

The rising waters are irreversible. Solutions are gradually being put in place to adapt to the phenomenon, as in the Channel.

The contours of France will change by the end of the century, with in particular the coastline which is eaten away by the rising waters. Rather than fight against the inevitable, the Conservatoire du littoral has decided to anticipate. According to scientific projections, in the Cotentin, the sea could rise from 30 cm to one meter during the century. So to protect homes and economic activities, riprap is erected on many sites.

A necessary but temporary defence, which aggravates the phenomena of erosion, because the waves beat against these works and dig the shore. Then, another idea develops: no longer fighting against the sea, but letting it in where possible. Little by little, the Conservatoire du littoral bought land. Adapting to this new climate also means agreeing to move tourist activities, such as hiking trails.

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