on the climate, “there is a lot of competition between the left-wing lists”, analyzes a political scientist


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European elections 2024: on the climate, “there is a lot of competition between the left-wing lists”, analyzes a political scientist
European elections 2024: on the climate, “there is a lot of competition between the left-wing lists”, analyzes a political scientist

Bruno Cautres, political scientist, researcher at CEVIPOF, teacher at Sciences Po, is guest on 11/13 info, Friday June 7, two days before the 2024 European elections.

In European elections, a list which obtains less than 5% of the votes obtains no seat in Parliament. “Below 5%, no deputies, below 3%, no reimbursement”, explains Bruno Cautres, political scientist, researcher at CEVIPOF, teacher at Sciences Po, guest of 11/13 info, Friday June 7. According to polls, “several political groups are around 5%. The issue for them is obviously an absolutely vital issue, particularly for the Greens who have explained so much that the European election was their election”he specifies.

Thus, discussions took place on the left during the previous months to know whether it was necessary to present a single list, but the Greens expressed their desire to make their voice heard. If the climate is an important theme in the eyes of the French, “we see that on this issue of ecology, climate, there is a lot of competition between the left-wing lists”adds Bruno Cautres. “Everyone is talking about it, the Insoumis are talking about it, Raphaël Glucksmann is talking about it too. It’s becoming a little more difficult to explain to the Greens what their particularity is”concludes the political scientist.

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