on the Boucles de la Mayenne, the first female sports director of a men’s team

Benjamin Thomas of the Cofidis team is the new yellow jersey of the Boucles de la Mayenne. The French won the second stage this Friday, May 27, 2022, between Jublains and Pré-en-Pail, in the sprint ahead of another Frenchman Benoît Cosnefroy. Until then the yellow jersey was worn by Jason Tesson of Saint-Michel Auber 93. A team led by a woman: Charlotte Bravard. She is also the first woman to lead a men’s team in professional cycling.

French road champion in 2017, Charlotte Bravard ended her career in 2020. She passed her diplomas in stride, encouraged by the manager of the Parisian team Stéphane Javalet and the French Cycling Federation. Charlotte Bravard was able to savor the victory of her sprinter, Jason Tesson, this Thursday during the first stage.

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