Trading is of course saving money, but how do you find the person interested in what you have and above all who owns what you want?
That’s the challenge: finding people who actually barter…ideally not too far from home…and there the Internet works miracles with facebook groups, websites, forums by the hundreds to find the shoe that fits.
The example of a facebook group in Haute-Saone
More than 14,000 subscribers to the page created four years ago by Sophie, the idea came to her after the death of her mother, while emptying the apartment…at first it was a question of giving but very quickly bartering s is imposed. And she confided in France Bleu Besançon: for a few months with this increasingly expensive life, members have been arriving in large numbers.
Barter sites
Trocr,, Everyone has their specificities, but the main idea is the connection that is at the heart of the philosophy of barter: helping each other, exchanging, giving things a second life and of course saving…
More than saving money, it’s going without money
There is behind the idea that with barter, money is no longer king…this is what often motivates, it removes a stake, and sometimes we have good surprises since the value becomes relative, this is the experience of Alexie, a barterer from Limoges.
Do you know a way to save money, or earn more money? Contact Valère Corréard.