On strike, thousands of teachers unionized with the FAE demonstrate in Montreal

Thousands of teachers from the Autonomous Education Federation (FAE) demonstrated Thursday in a heated atmosphere in Montreal. They called an indefinite general strike, the first in 40 years. Driven by a surge of solidarity and a firm desire to improve their working conditions, the teachers met by The duty say they are ready to continue their fight as long as it takes. The union says parents should expect the walkout to continue Monday and Tuesday.

“It is very unlikely that we will have an agreement in principle to present to our members in the next four or five days,” FAE President Mélanie Hubert said at a press briefing. So, indeed, we can perhaps expect a first week of strike. »

With red caps pulled on their heads, red flags in their hands, thousands of teachers from across Quebec demonstrated at Jarry Park on Thursday morning. They stormed Saint-Laurent Boulevard to get to the monument of Sir George-Étienne Cartier, on Avenue du Parc, at the end of the day.

Many brandished signs that they had made: “Drainville, you are draining us with your contempt”, “Me too, I am a Kings by my profession”, “Martine [personnage de l’album pour enfant] looking for her teacher or an adult” or “Where are our priorities? » hung on a hockey stick…

“We are not here with joy of heart,” summarizes Anne Cardinal, teacher in 5e and 6e years at Sainte-Bibiane primary school, in Montreal. This is financially worrying. It is also worrying for our students. We are aware of that. » The FAE member — who does not have a strike fund — however feels support from parents and the population. “It’s a bad time to go through and we really hope that we will be heard because it’s important for the future. »

For better working conditions

Marc Thibault, 55, came from Outaouais to take part in the gathering, even though he is retiring in June. He deplores the lack of resources in educational establishments. “The task is becoming very heavy,” says the sixth-year teacher at École des Tournesols in Gatineau.

Lower level students (3e or 4e year) are found in his class, repetition being rare. “When a student sits in my class [de 6eannée] and he makes 4e, for me, the planning that I have to do for this child is a duplication. And how can I accompany him when the group is doing something else? »

All the teachers interviewed repeated it: yes, a higher salary, but above all better working conditions and more resources for students.

At a press briefing, Mélanie Hubert repeated that her union is demanding means to “rebalance the classes” and improve the composition of the groups. “Too many students in difficulty” lack services, she insisted.

In Quebec, Prime Minister François Legault committed Thursday to improving salary offers to public sector union members in exchange for concessions on the organization of their work. He wants to settle teacher assignments before the summer rather than in August, which causes “psychodramas”.

Mélanie Hubert replies that assignments have worked this way for a long time now. “It’s always been okay,” she said. Why do we have a problem all of a sudden? It’s not the dates that are the problem, it’s the lack of staff. »

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