On strike, the Atsem “are determined to be heard”, assures the CGT Public Services

The Atsem “are determined to be heard”assured Monday September 5 on franceinfo Delphine Depay, leader of the CGT Public Services, in charge of the social and medico-social sectors, while the specialized territorial agents of the nursery schools are called to a national strike at the call of the CGT Public services and the CGT Educ’action.

>> “We have had nothing, no recognition for years”: the Atsem on strike Monday for increased wages

“An Atsem, with 15 years of seniority, holder of a CAP in early childhood, holder of the entrance examination into the territorial public service, earns around 1,600 euros net per month”recalls Delphine Depay. “It’s well below what she should earn and below a salary commensurate with the missions she carries out with our children.” The salary is “the warm-up point” for those agents who are “determined to be heard”. The Atsem “demand and expect action from the government for an immediate increase in their salary of 183 euros net, in the image of what nurses’ aides, auxiliaries were able to perceive”underlines the representative of the CGT.

Salaries of specialized territorial agents of kindergartens have not increased “for several years”, specifies Delphine Depay. She denounces “the weakness of the revaluation of the index point of 3.5%”. With this catch-up, “an Atsem with 15 years of seniority will see an increase of 40 euros”a raise “derisory”.

“We expect real recognition through the salary of this profession of Atsem which is essential within the school and its proper functioning.”

Delphine Depay, CGT Public Services

at franceinfo

Delphine Depay wishes to point out that the Atsem are “upgrading” these last years. “Very often, we see Atsem who are alone in charge of an entire class” in classes “of 25 children, toddlers”. If this situation arises, it is because “The teachers today are largely insufficient in number. And for once, it’s a juggling between the teacher and the Atsem to take the classes in their charge and to accompany them”. The trade unionist recalls that “the law specifies that they should just support a school teacher. Which is not necessarily the case today in all schools in all municipalities”. “They are really there to accompany and bring kindness to the well-being of these children during all school time”adds Delphine Depay.

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