on strike on Christmas Eve, caregivers win their case

For four days, the “Vacances Respit Families Touraine” structure, responsible for supporting dependent elderly people, had to do without caregivers. On strike since December 24, the establishment’s medical staff are claiming the Ségur health premium, a increase of 183 euros, promised by the government to all caregivers.

A structure with a very special status

First granted in October 2020 to hospital staff, the Segur bonus was then extended to healthcare staff in general. Only the establishment “Family Respite Holidays” is one of the exceptions to the rule, due to its somewhat special status. “We are a holiday and leisure structure, which welcomes dependent elderly people and their sometimes exhausted caregivers during short stays who want to find time for them. We are halfway between hotel services and medical care. , that’s why the Ségur bonus was first refused.“, concedes Etienne Pavard, president of the structure.

We should have touched this revaluation since October

The allocation of 183 euros had yet been announced for early December, only on Christmas Eve nothing had been validated yet. The drop too much for the nine nursing assistants of the structure. ” We should have received this bonus since October 2021 so when we received the email on December 23 to tell us that the bonus was refused, we had no choice but to go on strike to show our dissatisfaction. Only the hospital and private groups have been receiving this bonus for more than a year already, we were one of the forgotten people and it could not go on.“, explains Charline Rouvre, nurse coordinator within the establishment.

Residents invited to leave the establishment

A very delicate situation to manage for the president of the structure in the middle of Christmas evening. “It was very hard, especially since many of our residents come mainly during the Christmas period. Without nursing staff on the evening of the 24th, we had to ask our customers if they wanted to leave the establishment. It’s really new. In the end, everyone stayed and we found solutions to compensate for the lack of personnel.. “, insists Etienne Pavard.

The Ségur premium finally paid in 2022

On strike for four days, an agreement was finally reached with the management, since the ARS has finally confirmed eligibility for the Ségur de la Santé grant for all caregivers from January 2022. Carers who have therefore resumed work with a return to the structure on Tuesday, December 28.

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