On recovery | The words of a “superhero”

Josianne Lévesque, the teacher who sexually assaulted her 8-year-old student, was sentenced to six years in prison on October 14. The boy’s mother gave this week a lucid, enlightening and moving testimony on Paul Arcand’s program, at 98.5 FM, of which we present excerpts. The child also gave a letter to the facilitator, which we publish here in full.

Posted October 23

Lea Carrier

Lea Carrier
The Press

Letter to Paul Arcand, October 19, 2022

Hello Mr Arcand

I heard you on the radio Monday and you are right to say that Mr.me Levesque knew my age. In fact, I have several examples…

While she was abusing me she was teaching a class full of kids my age. Also, when she rewarded me with a movie, she always asked my mom if the movie was appropriate for my age. She knew I was going to elementary school and hadn’t gotten my first job yet and couldn’t drive a car. She knew I was losing my baby teeth. She knew my birthday date and came twice to celebrate with my family. On my cake, there was my age 9 years old and the following year 10 years old.

I feel relieved from the 6-year sentence because she will be punished for hurting me but also she will learn from her actions and won’t be able to hurt others. I feel freer because I don’t worry about meeting her on the street anymore and in 6 years I won’t be a child anymore.

I want to tell children that if someone hurts them or touches their genitals, they should tell someone who would not accept that behavior. Children should not be afraid in these situations since it is the aggressor who should be afraid of us (the children) because we have the power to say so. You have to be brave and say everything in detail to stop them.

After the sentencing, the judge said I was throwing a superhero, and superheroes also have wounds. He says injuries are what make them superheroes. I agree with him because:

– Batman lost his 2 parents

– Superman his planet was destroyed

– Spiderman his uncle is dead

-Dr Strange lost his sister and the functioning of his hands

– Flash his mother was killed

– Iron Man has PTSD because he experienced trauma

– Hulk’s father was abusive and killed his mother

As you can see Mr Arcand, there is not 1 single superhero who does not have a sad story in his journey. The only difference between them and me is that they didn’t have any help when they were little and some repeat aggressive behavior to fight off the bad guys. It is therefore important to denounce the abuse so as not to remain angry from within and become aggressive. You should know that the judge is also a superhero because his mission is the pursuit of justice just like all superheroes.

What I love most about being a superhero is seeing myself sitting in a classroom among other kids who don’t know about my superpower which is Courage to speak out against abuse. Mr Arcand, I can’t reveal my real name or my identity to you because the superhero code forbids me to. I haven’t chosen my superhero name yet but I’m banding together with all the kids and our message to pedophiles is that we are THE UNTOUCHABLES.

Thank you for sharing my story on the radio… you do that well!

In order to remain faithful to the words of the child, we have published his text in full, without revision.

“Have you ever heard a heart crack in two? »

Here are excerpts from the interview with the child’s mother. Some passages may be difficult to hear.

He said to me, “I don’t like it when she kisses me on the mouth with her tongue.” Have you ever heard a heart crack in two? Mine cracked in two.

The mother of the child at the microphone of Paul Arcand

I say to her: “Madam. Lévesque, did you kiss my son with your tongue on your mouth?” There she puts her hands on her face. “Did you masturbate him? Did you give him blowjobs? Did you ask him to put his hands in your vagina?” Detailed like this. And all of a sudden, she answers me: “Yes.”

The mother of the child at the microphone of Paul Arcand

My son, when he asked me to read a letter to the judge […], he gave me the school picture with her on it. With all the little children. He said to me: “Mom, when she goes to tell the judge that she doesn’t know my age, show the judge my photo. She doesn’t know the age of her entire class? We are all the same size.”

The mother of the child at the microphone of Paul Arcand

You can’t believe a child and not act. It’s impossible because when you don’t act, it’s as if you didn’t believe it.

The mother of the child at the microphone of Paul Arcand

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